Why French Women Do Not Get Fat

While the whole world is experiencing a real epidemic of excess weight, a French remain the standard of harmony and grace. It is interesting to ask why French women do not get fat? Psychologists believe that all matter in the ability to get out of life satisfaction. But there is no contradiction here? Indeed, in our view: having fun – this is not to limit myself in anything, including food? Indeed, the French (and French), so what, what, and in food do not limit yourself. Eating in France is a real cult. Here are just a pleasure to receive the French are not on the amount of food eaten, and the quality and variety of food. This approach allows French women, without changing the main principle of life, which sounds like a savoir-vivre – a taste for life", not to gain weight and stay slim.

However, the taste of life as any other flavor to develop. In France, this quality is inculcated from childhood. This is facilitated by and traditional French cuisine, the strength and charm is enclosed in a bright little things that help sharpen savoir-vivre. Another feature is its small size portions (generally, the French adore all the miniature: dogs, cars, scarves, coffee tables in the brasserie. Even the breakfast they called petit dej – a small lunch"). And this feature allows French women to eat for one meal a lot of dishes, but in small quantities. At that time, both in countries where the majority of women suffer from overweight, eat a little food, but in large quantities.

It should be added that French women do not consume low-fat, no sugar-free foods that have no natural taste. They eat natural products, but in moderation. That's why French women do not get fat by eating three times a day, not skipping breakfast, lunch or dinner, and certainly not a substitute for their cocktails for weight loss. And yet – French honored ritual of reception food: they do not eat hurriedly, standing, walking or watching television. There are still some features which should look more closely: French eat lots of fruits and vegetables, drink little and often water, is often drunk dry wine, but only with food and only a glass or two (strong drinks are not popular in France). And most importantly: French eat with pleasure and not think about any diet! But that's not all French women prefer to move much, but the most pleasant, helpful and efficient gymnastics believe sex! So, the French do not get fat because they know the whole extent, are able to enjoy life, eat with pleasure and leave the table without feeling overeating and guilt. These qualities should learn, as they are part of the great ability to enjoy life and take pleasure in its details.

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