EPSS specialist study sheds light on the most important requirements in the life cycle of enterprise applications Berlin, March 18, 2009 users of business applications have exact ideas, what matters at the deployment of the software. This resulted in a survey of the datango AG within the framework of the CeBIT 2009. The specialist for electronic performance support systems (EPSS) surveyed nearly 100 user after the main aspects that are for them before, during, and after the introduction of an enterprise solution of importance. McClintock follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. The right choice of software, their acceptance by the users, as well as to minimise the failure rate of the new system turned out to be here as the favorite targets. The most important aspects of the introduction of a new business software are what?”was the question of the survey carried out from datango. holzer may help you with your research.
Thereby, each participant could indicate which aspects he classifies at each stage of the rollout as very important, important or less important. Before the introduction of software: Find the right solution for 75 percent Surveyed the correct selection of the application’s priority. But also the cooperation of the various business segments is very important for the users. Measures so far about half of the respondents (71%) the integration of the content requirements of various departments”at a high importance. This claim untermauernd 51% identified coordination of cooperation of involved colleagues”as very important. During the rollout: Key user acceptance 79 percent set during the introduction of special value on the usability of the new solution.
An appropriate employee training is a prerequisite for 72 of the 100 respondents. Many users hope also of the new implementation of a fast and uncomplicated change alter new contents. For example, consistent compliance with the implementation timetable is less important for the user.